Mar 16Liked by Amy Makechnie

100% agree!🌿🌱🌼

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Love this!

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So true! Getting outside always helps! And it can be a tiny miracle when I begin a trail walk with a question about my writing, could be about a character, a plot point, whatever. If I walk in silence, chances are that I'll get an answer of some sort by the end of a walk.

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Oh I LOVE this! 'Demons hate fresh air' – I'm using that from now on. I've been out and about every day for the past week and I'm feeling great, so it certainly does help to get outside.

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"Demons hate fresh air." Wow! I absolutely love that. I've been feeling under the weather for what feels like an eternity at this point, but today the weather is perfect and I've got my balcony door open. Hopefully that will exorcise some of these demons!

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This advice is well-timed and we’ll-received. I’ve saved it so I remember. And I’m going to walk what we in this house consider our pond. Thanks!

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